How to Buy a Digger Derrick

Are you in a business where there is a need to regularly dig holes for posts, lift certain materials up extreme heights, or involves workers painting exterior walls or trimming trees? Do you want to work with light cranes? Or just do jobs that involve being at heights which normal ladders or scaffolding can’t cover? If you’re answer is yes to any of these questions, then buying a digger derrick is for you.

Digger derricks are specialized equipment that aid in efficiently carrying out digging jobs and lifting heavy supplies and materials. It is an essential tool for people working in the infrastructure industry. One can pick a digger derrick from an array of brands, and choose between brand new, used, or refurbished. Whatever your choice is, here are some useful tips for buying a digger derrick:

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Landscaping and Bucket Trucks

When people think about landscaping, most conjure images of well-manicured lawns, beds of colorful flowers, and neat rows of ornamental shrubs. However, most of them forget that trees are also an integral part of landscape design.

Here’s another thing most people don’t know about trees: aside from beautifying a lawn and offering much-welcome shade, trees can also increase a property’s value by up to 20%! If they’re well-maintained, that is. Let a tree’s branches grow out, and pretty soon it will be more of an eyesore instead of an asset. What’s more, strong winds can snap the branches, which can damage surrounding properties or even injure someone as a result. Continue reading

Setting Up a Bucket Truck for Tree Removal Work

If there’s a very big tree in your community that poses a danger to the public, authorities may warrant removing them right away. Even then, stripping the tree away requires some precision cutting and trimming before the final act of uprooting it can be done. Part of the precision can require using a bucket truck – and you may be in the right position to move in on this opportunity if you operate a tree pruning or removal service that just had its very first bucket truck ready for action.

Removing a tree is not like simply felling them in the manner of logging operations. There are numerous safety considerations to account for, such as wind speed, proximity to other properties, and the level of traffic in the area. For instance, tree removal crews will have to tie up rigging lines to various sections of the tree so branches can be taken off piece by piece.

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Digger Derricks: Making Digging Easier

You use electricity from the moment you wake up, from the alarm clock that rouses you from sleep to the toaster that makes your breakfast, to the radio that’s broadcasting the latest news. Before electricity reaches your home, however, it has to travel first through the electrical posts that line the horizon.

As you might expect, how well these poles are installed determines how reliable your electric supply is. After all, they are exposed to elements such as strong winds and heavy rains, both of which can uproot it. Hence, their bases have to be buried securely beneath the ground to prevent this from happening. Continue reading

Bucket Truck Booms: Buy Insulated or Not?

Bucket truck booms come in two classifications: insulated and non-insulated. If you’re wondering what makes this classification important to selecting a bucket truck, allow this article to sort that out for you.

Let’s start by defining each type: Continue reading

Advantages to Buying Used Digger Derricks

Often, when people think of buying something used, the perception is that you’re trading off quality for affordability. However, this isn’t often the case when the decision to purchase a digger derrick comes around. The following are just some of the reasons why buying a used digger derrick can actually be more advantageous than buying a new one: Continue reading

Tips to Ensure a Good Purchase of Utility Trucks

Service providers and contractors from various industries require dependable and durable equipment to help them in their tasks, especially the most demanding ones. Utility machines, like bucket trucks and digger derricks, play important roles in completing a pole installation, paint job, or tree-cutting request, just to name a few. If you are planning to invest in a utility truck for your business, follow these simple reminders that will go a long way. Continue reading

It’s All About the Boom Factor: Types of Booms

A bucket truck driving down the street is quite a sight to behold. These trucks can easily reach heights of up to 105 feet, so seeing them in their full glory is always a wonderful thing.

With their booms and baskets, it’s easy to assume that these trucks are all the same. This is not the case, however, as there are in fact different types of bucket trucks that vary according to their usage. These trucks can also be categorized according to their most distinguishable feature. Continue reading

Why You Should Buy a Used Bucket Truck

One of the biggest (and pleasurable) concerns a growing company will have is the need to acquire new equipment. Buying more necessary equipment will allow the company to successfully meet the needs of its clientele.

This is especially true for telecom and electric companies. They need to have more bucket trucks in order to effectively service more of their clients’ needs in a shorter amount of time, as their products are usually located in hard-to-reach places.

The problem now is if the company would rather buy a new machine or a used one. There are different arguments as to why a new one is a good option for growing companies, but there are several reasons why considering a used truck is the better option. Continue reading

How to Determine Which Bucket Truck to Rent

Sometimes, choosing to rent a bucket truck instead of buying one is the smarter decision. This is especially true if you will no longer have a need for the truck after one or two jobs.

Bucket trucks come in all shapes and sizes, which can make it difficult to choose which truck to rent. To avoid work-related accidents and help you find the right truck for the job, keep the following factors in mind: Continue reading